Monday 29 August 2011

Does Mohan Das Karam Chand gandhi Deserves To be called A Hero ?

Do You Think “Gandhi” Was A Hero Of our freedom ? He Is One Who Made us free ? Does He really Deserve respect And Honor We Pay Him ? We Wouldn't Have Got Freedom By Following “Gandhi”.

Disclaimer :- this Note Has Nothing To Do With Anna Hazare's protest And I Am not Writing Against Non-Violence Method.

Gandhi Is A name In India Which A Small Children Comes To know By his Educational Books In Our History Perhaps In Our Present To. Everyone Has Been told That He Is “Father Of Nation”, He Is One who Made our Country Free, He Is Respected As Mahatma. But Do He Really deserve All These Tags ? He Is known For Making “Non Violence” And “Truth” As his Major Pillars For Fighting But Did He Justifies Them ? He Always Known For his Service Towards Nation And his Scarifies For The Country. In Short You can Say Aim Of His Life Was To “Make India Free”(I hope You Also Think So).But Can Anyone Get freedom By his Ways And Means ?

We cannot get freedom By his Ways

Non Co-operation Movement

Gandhi Started Many protest Or Revolutions. One Famous Was “Non-Cooperation” to British Govt.
it Was Taken Back By Him After a Violence In Chauri Chuara. Where Police lathi Charged On Innocent people who Were protesting And then in anger people Burned Police Station. Now Think From British Point Of View Or Think You Were Ruling Somewhere And One Person Like Him Stands Against you With “Non Violence”. You Know That He will Do protest And You Can Easily Kill 10-15 Peoples Of His country And Of course Police Of The Same Country Will kill Them. Police Men Would Be A Person of That Country Only. So Police will Kill Some Of their People And Vice-Versa. And Finally The Man Will Withdraw His Protest. So How Much Easy It Is To Defeat His Protest As Well As Reducing People Who Support Him. They Would Killed All Of Us In Every protest no Protest Would Have Been Successful. Just imagine If Hitler Was There In place of British Govt. Then ?

His Impractical Dealing And Ways

I Hope Everyone Agrees That He Was Rigid In follwing His Values And Teachings After All This Is Only Excuse Given By Him For not Saving Bhagat Singh That He Can Not Support Non Violence Or In other words He Will Stay With His Values Only.
His Saying And Dealings Were Impractical .

  1. He Himself Said “If Someone Slaps You On One Side Provide Him The other Side Of your Face And Ask to Slap”. First Of All Whomsoever Call Him Self A Gandhian Ask Yourself Is It A Practical Way ? Even if You Think It Is Practical I Would Love To Show you Its Application . Consider A Rapist Who Raped A Girl And Now Acc To Gandhi The Girl Sholud Ask him To Rape Again From Other Side. ? And If This Happened Rapist Will become happiest person Of world And More Than Half Man Will become Rapist.
  2. While Someone Is Trying To Rape Your Mother And Mole stating Her What You will Do Will You sit On Protest ? Will You Say Them Yes I will oppose You by Non Violence You Can Do What You Want. I hope Everyone Know British People Were Raping Our Motherland. And Gandhi Did A Non Violent Protest.
    Even No one In World Opted This Method For Freedom Struggle While Their Were Other Methods And Persons Whom Methods were Adopted Like “Karl Marx”. Undoubtedly Almost Everyone Love Non Violence But No One apply It In Fighting.

Doubtful Intentions

Many People In India Only criticized Gandhi Because Of His Doubtful Intentions. And I Am One Of Them For Sure. If You think Ge Was Really A Man Who Was Serving Nation Why He Always Get criticized? Have You Ever Seen Someone Criticizing Dr APJ Abdul Kalam ? Bhagat Singh ? Lala Lajpat Rai ? And Many More. No One Doubted Their Love And Contribution Towards Country. But In case Of Gandhi People Openly blamed Him That He Is Fighting To Come In Power And Many More Blames And They Are Also. If You See His One Of protest.

Dominance Status

Dominion Status(Half Rule) It Was An Creation Of Gandhi. Which Says “British Will Leave India And Appoint Indian At Top And British Will Look From Their And Everything will be In Their Surveillance” In Short British Will Hire Some Indians To rule For Them. Which Clearly Indicates That The Movement Is For getting Power It Was Understood If It would Have Happened He Or Anyone Top Leader Of INC Would Have Been Ruling India As A Dog Of British people Because We Would Have Been Still Slave.

One Amzing Thing I would Like To tell you That On Asking From A Gandhian About This half Rule See What He Said : “India Was Not in Condition To Take Full freedom. We Were Not Able To Live On Our own”
Just To Save Gandhi He Threw Whole Nation in Ditch. I Want To Mention Some facts. This Was Around 1920 When He Started this Movement...At That tym The Hindu muslim Riots Were Not Their. We Have Had Many other And True Revolutionaries Alive At That time. And In 1947 You can see The Scale Of Riots The Country Was Divided And Thousands of People Were Killed. In Such Harsh Condition We Were Able To live On our Own And You Talking About When Condition Was Better. ?

In Non Cooperation Movement lakhs Of School Children Burned thr Bags And books For Boycott Of British Govt. And When He Withdrew the Movement They Were Not Given Admission Anywhere By Govt. . If Gandhi was Really Doing All For Society Why He Didn't Even Showed His Concerned About Them ? Lala Laj pat Rai made National College For Such Students.

How Come A Revolutionaries Self Ideology Or Thoughts Became Bigger Than Country's Freedom ?

It Is Being Said And True Also If He Can Save Bhagat Singh. But He Didn't WHY ?? On Asking Many Gandhian I Got Some Diff Replies I Will Adress all One By One.

  1. A Man Said He Was Totally On his Non Violence Side how Can he support Bhagat ?
    So my Question rises Here Only how Came His Own Mind Made beliefs Became Bigger Than Our Freedom ? He Himself Have Admired Bhagat Singh's Patriotism. And It Is Clear To Him And Everyone Bhagat Singh Was Fight For Freedom Only No one Can Doubt On it. And It Is An Bare Fact If Bhagat Singh Would Have Survived Some More Years India Would Have Got Free Much Earlier. Even After knowing This All He Didn't Saved Him Just Because He Was Fighting From Different method I.e Self Defence ? The Man(Gandhi) Who Claimed His Life Is dedicated To country's Freedom But Still He Never Justified It.
    Even If A Non Violent Person Saves A Person Like Bhagat Singh That never Means He Is Compromising His Values. I Will explain this Later.
  2. One Said It Was Not In His Hand ?
    WTF ? Are You kidding me ? One Side You Say Only he Was Able To Remove British From India Other Side You Yourself Say He Was not Even Able To Save Bhagat Singh ?
    Gandhi had managed to have 90,000 political prisoners who were not members of his Satyagraha movement released under the Gandhi-Irwin Pact. :-From Wikipedia
    At-least 10% of them Would Be Violent Criminals How Came he Supported Them ?
    And Can Any One Deny Some Facts ? That At That Point Of Time If Some One Had power In His Hand He Was Gandhi...Someone Who Represented Us While Talking To British Was Gandhi...Someone Who Could Have Done Something He Was Gandhi...
    He Never Did That Because If Bhagat Singh Would Have Survived He Will never Got Powers And Status That He Enjoys Right Now.

Did He Really Followed Path Of Truth ?

Gandhian Says Bhagat Singh Was Violent And All. Leave This Thing A Side. Just tell Me Why Gandhi Havn't Raised His Voice Against trial Of Bhagat Singh As It Was ill Inconvenienced. It Was A Death penality Imposed By British People To Him Without His Presence In Court room And Without Giving him A Chance To Defend Him Self. It Was Totally injustice And Being A Lawyer Gandhi Would Be Knowing This Much Better Then Why he Never Asked British To Do Justice ? Why He Didn't Supported This Truth ? Why A Man Who Always Said He Supports Truth Was Absent Here ? Isn't He Did What Rahul Gandhi Do Now A Days ?


I Don't Know Exactly That He Did Any Sacrifice For Country Or Not. Perhaps He Never. What Soever He Did Was For Getting in To Power. He Was Married And Had 4 Sons i.e He Enjoyed Affection,Sex And All These Things. He enjoyed Studying In Foreign Even Now A Days Its Very Big And Rare Thing Think About That Time. He Lived But His Supporters Died In movements.

When Gandhi was 16 his father became very ill. Being very devoted to his parents, he attended to his father at all times during his illness. However, one night, Gandhi's uncle came to relieve Gandhi for a while. Gandhi retired to his bedroom and had sex with his wife. Shortly afterward a servant came to report that Gandhi's father had just died. Gandhi felt tremendous guilt and never could forgive himself. He came to refer to this event as "double shame." The incident had significant influence in Gandhi becoming celibate at the age of 36, while still married.(From wikipedia)
Now I want to Ask 2 things
1 if Someone Left Doing Sex In Frustration Of His father's Death (I hope It Is Clear From Above Paragraph) How Does this Show A good Moral character ? Or even An Integral Character ? And See how Much he was In to Sex.

2 He Had 4 Sons But How Came ? He Married At Age Of 13 And In 16 he Left Sex. Still he Had 4 Sons ?

Who Contributed More ?

A Men Died By Lathi Charging Of Police I Hope You At Least Remember His Name Lala Lajpat Rai. He Was Also Doing Peaceful Protest Against Simon Commission. But Beaten By Police For His Protest. Ram Parsad Bismil Ji Who Died Fighting In Fighting With policemen. Bhagat Singh, Raj Guru, Sukhdev Who Were Hanged For Their Fight And Died Happily For Nation. Subhash Chandra Bose Who Made Azad Hind Fauj And Who Fight In Reality And Made India Free. He Died in Mysterious Circumstances. And Apart From Them Thr Was A Man Who Never Faced What They Have Faced And Lived A Better Life. And Still People Think He Contributed More ?

Self Defence Is Not Violence

''Violence is when you use force to exploit people, to oppress them'' ''The fight for one's life, for
dignity, for rights...'' is not violence. lt is self-defence! :- Bhagat Singh

The Method Opted By Bhagat Singh Was Self Defence Not Violence. He Named His Party From HRA TO HSRA(Hindustan_Socialist_Republican_Association). Just Read Their idology And See The Diff B/W Self Defence And Violence. He Was Born For Society And Died For Same. He Never Said To Kill innocent Yeah But To Fight Against injustice Of British And Fight For Our Own Right. A Fight For Our Freedom. He Did Same What Now Our Armed Forces Do Self Defence Are They Also Violent People ?? Violent People are Terrorist Not Those who Are Countering Them To Save Their Nation. So He Was never A Violent Person He Was The One Who Was fighting For Peace By Countering Violent Person . If Someone Came And Start Abusing You or Slap You What You Will Do ? You Will defend Him Or Hit him Back Or ll Catch His Hand... So Are You Violent ?

If You See The Trial Period Of Bhagat Singh He Was In jail For 2 Years And Recently The Hindu Published An Article About Him In Which It Was Said
The total period of hunger strikes observed during his nearly two-year incarceration Of Bhagat Singh becomes about five months. Probably this is more than the total period of Mahatma Gandhi's hunger strikes during his prolonged political career starting from South Africa.

A Men Doing Fast Unto death In Jail For Raising The Indian Status And The Method Was Truly Non Violent If He Was Violent man He Would Have Beaten Some Eng Policemen But He Never Did. And Again See What Ever He Did He Did On His Own Shoulders. He Never Asked Any Other Prisoner To Do So While Gandhi Would Have Said Come With Me Do Fast. If You Still Think He Was A Violent Man No One Can Help You. So Now He Was Not A Violent Man Plus In his Trial It Was Totally injustice. Where The Hell Gandhi Was ? Why He Didn't Saved Or Even Supported Him ? Again It Shows Just For Power. Otherwise A person Who Loves Country And Just Fighting For Freedom Would Have Loved To Save Such Great Man.


Have You ever Seen Such Dual Personality Or Diplomatic person whose Follower Killed Him ? It Can Only Happen When You Admire Someone For Being Great And You Found He Is Nothing From Inside Same Happened With Gandhi. I hope You All Know “Nathu Ram Godse” was A Great Follower Of Gandhi And He Was Only one Who Killed Him. Isn't It Strange Or Gandhi Was Also One Of Those Who Pretend To be Something else ?

Even In Childhood Bhagat Singh Was His Follower But When He Realized What Gandhi Is He Never followed Him. Because He Never deserves That someone Should Follow Him.

Whom Got What

Those Who All Really Did Sacrifices Got Nothing. Those Who Died Got Nothing. And The Biggest Shame On Our Country Was Given By Congress By Terming Bhagat Singh and His Group As Terrorist. I Am really Thankful To The Judge Whose Verdict Gave Them Status Of “Shaeed”. Perhaps They Died In The Best Way A Man Can. And On Other Hand Stupids Like Gandhi And Nehru Got power. You Call Him “Father Of Nation Does It Justifies” ? You Call Him “Mahatma” Was He Really ?
First Prime Minister Was Made Nehru On Decision Of Gandhi Now Pls Dont Say Gandhi Wasn't Supporting Him. And For Further Info Read =>

What All He Gave Us ?

He Gave us Congress I Know he Never Formed It But Now At Top Leaders Like $onia And Rahul Are Because Of Him And All Past Leaders And Again Read Above Blog It's All About Them. Bhagat Singh Have Had A Vision About Congress.

'The Congress only wants power,
by hook or by crook''
They aren't even thinking about
what this country really needs
''With their way, nothing will change'' (White Will Go, Brown Will Come. But Nothing Will Change)
''The rich will get richer,
the poor will become poorer''
And a time will come when this
country will get devoured by...
communal passions. (One Day Time Will Come When People Will Fight On The Name Of Religion And Casts. They Will Kill each Other And Our Many Generations Have To Die To Correct This )
That is the nightmare of the future

And Congress Achieved This And Divided Country On Bases Of Religion. And So Finally It Was All Given By Congress And Gandhi Of Course. Whatsoever Congress Do Now Do Behind The Name Of Gandhi First He Fooled All And Now They Are Fooling All On Name Of Gandhi And Now A Days What Cong Is I hope All Know About It.

They Divided Our Country In 2 Parts. And this division is eating us since very first day. Kashmir Issue A very Big known Problem Was A gift Of Nehru (Congress). 1000's Of Scams And Corruption. And Everyone Knows the True face Of Cong Now.

At The End Of It Do you Still Think He Was Or He Is A Hero ?